Shown below is a report on our Singin' in the Rain production. The report was by critics from the highly acclaimed NODA (National Operatic & Dramatics Association). Read what they had to say about it below.......
Show report by Lyn Emmerson
5th APRIL 2018
Producers/Dlrectors: Val Bamber: Caroline Ward
Choreographer: Judith Jefferies
Accompanist: Eunice Parry
I like to be transported from the trials and troubles of this world and be entertained, and
this musical has everything to do just that. A huge challenge for this company due to the
space available for the cast, but nevertheless, a very creditable production.
The opening scene was In the safe hands of Joy Sidley-Brooks as Dora Bailey taking us
through the guests as they arrived at a silent film premiere. Geraint Roberts gave a
confident portrayal of heart throb and silent movies star, Don Lockwood, with Juliet
Berrigan ln fine voice and a natural choice for the role of Kathy Selden. They blended well
together in all their tasks, 'You Were Meant for Me and 'You are my Lucky Star' being
highlights from these two characters, together with an excellent 'Singin' in the Rain'
routine from a drenched Don!! Steven Blankley extracted all the comedy from his role of
Cosmo Brown, he worked hard throughout the show particularly with 'Make em laugh'
and 'Moses Supposes' and joined Don and Kathy for the trio 'Good Morning' which was
well received by the audience. A domineering performance from Carolyn Wright as the
squawking Lina Lamont who kept in character throughout, I enjoyed her rendering of
'Whats Wrong With Me'. There were many minor roles namely Sean Sheehan as
lmpresario R. F. Simpson, Ralph Peters as Roscoe Dexter, John Bamber as Rod, and
Gwenda Griffith as Zelda Zanders, whilst Christine Peters characterised the role of 'Diction
Teacher' ln the 'Moses Supposes’ routine with aplomb.
Invaluable support from the large chorus in fine voice, whilst the team of dancers gave us
some professionally choreographed routines, particularly the tap routines. 'Broadway
MeIody’ was a triumph involving the whole chorus and the dancers, well-rehearsed - a
great effort - well done. l liked the detail paid to costumes which were all appropriate of
the period, together with the ladies hairstyles and hats. Lighting and sound were spot on
as usual. On the downside, I felt the beginning a bit slow, and cast members should have
picked up their cues slightly quicker, which would have made a difference to the dialogue.
This, however; did not mar the enjoyment we received from this enterprising Company,
and I truly was transported from the troubles of the world to a happy ending.
Congratulations all concerned, and thank you once again Melody Makers.