Shown below is a report on our Calamity Jane production. The report was by critics from the highly acclaimed NODA (National Operatic & Dramatics Association). Read what they had to say about it below.......
performed by Melody Makers, Benllech
Producers: Val Bamber, Caroline Ward & Kevin Corcoran
Accompanist: Eunice Parry
Choreographer: Judith Jeffries
I love westerns, and the choice of Calamity Jane for the Company’s 46th Production proved to be a winner. The Golden Garter set was cleverly devised for the small stage and the Producers made full use of the area. Ami Ward, in the title role gained much confidence during the performance, matching any gun-slinger who got in her way. Ami brought out the true character of Calamity Jane, coping well with the script and all her musical numbers, including ‘Men’ and she led the Chorus well with ‘Windy City’ eventually bringing out her feminine side. A creditable performance. Wild Bill Hickock, Benn Berrigan, knew how to deal with Calamity, and his performance was right on target. I particularly enjoyed his solo ‘Higher Than A Hawk’ and his comedy duet with Calamity, ‘I Can Do Without You’. Jaimee Blakeley was spot on as Katie Brown, posing as a well known actress Adelaide Adams, she was partnered by Steve Blankley as Lieut Danny Gilmartin. Nice contribution from Christine Peters in the cameo role of Adelaide Adams. I particularly enjoyed the performance from Gwenda Griffith in her first role with the Company as Susan, niece of bar owner Henry Miller, played by Kevin Corcoran, who was in a perpetual state of expectancy. The role of Francis Fryer was in the capable hands of Nick Blakeley who received well deserved appreciation for his efforts.
Chorus and dancers were well drilled and rehearsed in their tasks, ‘The Black Hills of Dakota’ being a highlight. Sets were imaginative and the production as a whole came up to expectation once again.